Pastoral Care
We understand that being in the hospital can be a difficult time for you, your family and friends. Strength may be found in sharing concerns with a Chaplain. Our Chaplains provide a healing presence through pastoral support including prayer, administration of sacraments and help with ethical concerns.
Compassionate spiritual and emotional support is provided by our Chaplains to people of all faiths, of no particular faith or those who simply want to talk. Encouraging a holistic approach to healthcare, our professional Chaplains respect and respond to values and beliefs of all our patients. We welcome visiting clergy and other members of your faith community. It is helpful if you inform your religious leader of your hospitalization. Our Chaplains are available 24-7 to patients, families, friends, and hospital staff as a source of comfort and re-assurance.
What does a Chaplain do?
C - Comforts, counsels and cares
H - Helps, hopes, hugs and holds
A - Acknowledges and advocates
P - Prays and passes peace
L - Listens, laughs and loves
A - Assists, accepts, acts and advises
I - Invites and instructs
N - Notices needs and nurtures
There are times when you might need a Chaplain:
- When you feel scared about hospitalization.
- When you feel discouraged.
- When you're asking God, "Why?"
- When family is upset.
- When someone close to you has died or is dying.
- When you're facing a difficult decision.
- When you want to be joined in prayer.
- When you've heard some bad news or you want to celebrate.
- When you're having surgery or a medical procedure and you are apprehensive.
- When you need help contacting your pastor.
- When you need help with decisions about end-of life care.
- When you want to receive sacraments, a blessing or other ritual.
Meet Our Chaplains
- Remigius Ekweariri, Chaplain Manager
- Father Justin Palmer, Chaplain
- Shawn Baird, Chaplain Associate
- Janet Kejr, Chaplain Associate
- Mary Bridges, Chaplain Associate
- Morgan Fritz, Chaplain Associate
- Marcia Sims, Chaplaincy Secretary
How do I contact a Chaplain?
When you are admitted to the hospital, you are given the chance to request a visit from our Chaplains. You may request a visit at any time during your stay by calling 452-6178 and asking for "Chaplain On Call". We can also be reached by asking your nurse to contact a Chaplain for you.
Staff Chaplains are available in-house Monday through Friday and are on call on weekends. On-call volunteer Chaplains are available after hours.
Prayer Requests
We welcome your requests for prayer including your family and friends. Your requests will be prayed for by our Chaplains. You can email your prayer requests to You can also complete a prayer request card in the Chapel in the main floor lobby. Also in the Chapel is a prayer book (located on the podium in the chapel) where you can record your prayer request that is then shared with others who would like to join you in your prayer. You can record a prayer in the book and read other prayers that are needed.
Our Chapel
The Chapel offers our guests a quiet place to go. It is adjacent to the main lobby in the south patient tower. In addition, we also have a Meditation Room located next to the ICU Family Waiting Area.
Our volunteers at the Information Desk in the lobby will be happy to show you either of these locations.
Resources for dealing with a loss of a loved one