
Upcoming Events and Screenings

March 2025 - FREE Colorectal Cancer Awareness Screening

In recognition of national Colorectal Cancer Awareness month in March, 800 free take-home colorectal cancer screening kits are being made available to anyone age 45 to 75. The screening is recommended for those who have not had a recent colonoscopy. Kits can be picked up at all Salina, Abilene, Concordia and Lindsborg pharmacies while supplies last. The screening uses an advanced fecal blood test that requires only one sample and has no food or drug restrictions. The samples can then be mailed to the Tammy Walker Cancer Center for lab analysis via a pre-paid postage envelope provided. Results of the test will be returned to both the patient and their primary care physician. Participants in the screening should return their samples for analysis by May 30.

Time: Daily during normal business hours for participating pharmacies

Locations: All Salina, Abilene, Concordia and Lindsborg pharmacies

Contact: Daniel Craig (785) 452-4848,

Cost: FREE

FREE Tobacco Cessation classes

This program available through the Masonic Cancer Alliance consists of 8 one-hour group sessions via Zoom designed to give you the tools and support to quit tobacco. Participants will receive information on strategies to quit and stay quit, how to cope with stress without using tobacco, and medications that might help with the quitting process. This is open to smokers as well as those who use smokeless tobacco.

Time: Mondays from noon-1 p.m.; Tuesdays from 5:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.

Location: Online via zoom

Registration: Register Here

Contact: Daniel Craig, (785) 452-4848,

Cost: FREE